What is Acne? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Tips

What is acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that happens when hair follicles under the skin become clogged. Oil and dead skin cells plug the pores in your face, back, chest and shoulders. You may have noticed you get acne pimples on your shoulders. Acne usually happens during puberty, so it’s normal if you are 15 to 17 years old. Acne can be very irritating and embarrassing—that’s why there’s so much information out there on what causes acne and what can be done to prevent it.

What are the symptoms of acne?

What are the symptoms of acne? Acne is usually a condition that develops on your face, back, chest, and shoulders, but it can be found almost anywhere on your body. You most commonly develop acne on these areas because they tend to have large, sebaceous glands where pimples also known as  lesions form.

What causes acne?

Acne occurs when a pore gets blocked with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. The blockage can lead to the follicle (or pore) becoming inflamed (swollen). Acne commonly shows in areas where your skin rubs against itself — such as, on your shoulders and back.

How is acne treated at Home?

There are a few self-care activities you can try at home to prevent pimples, and clear up your acne. Some of these include not squeezing or picking pimples, which spreads bacteria. Wearing hats or tight headbands or touching your face can also cause acne.

How can acne be prevented?

Acne can be frustrating. While acne on its own isn’t life threatening, it can greatly effect how you feel about yourself and how you feel about life. Below are steps you can take to prevent acne after treatment that will help you live a happier and healthier life!

Treatment for acne

Over-the-counter treatments for acne may be available from pharmacies or supermarkets. These methods work by cleaning the skin and drying up excess oil. It’s a good idea to talk to a pharmacist before you buy a product to find out which treatment might be most useful for your condition. Here you can get best acne treatment. A cleanser for acne-prone skin may be all that is needed for mild acne. Don’t rely on advertisements or the advice of friends.

Best Tips for Acne Treatment

There are many OTC treatments available, but if none work for you or your acne is not improving with use, you should speak to your doctor. Your doctor will confirm if your acne is hormonal based, due to overactive sebaceous glands or if it’s the result of stress and recommend medication that will help you.

What is Dermapen Micro-Needling?

Micro-Needling is minimally invasive, non-surgical skin rejuvenating technique that uses the dermapen micro needling, an automated medical device that contains multiple fine needles. Helps to improve the overall health and quality of the skin. Get more details about Dermapen micro-needling here.

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